Thursday, March 4, 2010

The First Step Is The Hardest

I am not certain I have the discipline to complete a day by day, week by week, study of a deck, but I am sure gonna try!

I love snowboarding, and I love tarot, and I think one of the reasons I love both of these things is that no matter how much I learn and progress, I am still challenged by these things.  I have been reading tarot cards for the better part of two decades, which, believe it or not, does encompass my entire adult life, and a good chunk of childhood.  I have hundreds of tarot decks, and most are beautiful, but I am coming back to my roots here with the good old Rider Waite Smith.  It's deep, and that is how far I want to go.

1 comment:

  1. This should be interesting. I understand the whole discipline issue. Good luck. Will you be adding a followers' link. I'll subscribe by email. I look forward to following this.
